An Example of Faith | 1 Samuel 30:1-20

1. Bad things do happen in life. There are evil people. How does a story like this effect your faith and confidence in God?


2. 1 Samuel 30:8 reads, “And David inquired of the Lord.” Do you turn to God in tragedy for understanding?


3. Read Romans. 8:28. Do you think this verse helps in a situation like this one, or would it be more offensive to someone dealing with a crisis like this one?


4. Read James 1:5. Do you think the wisdom James promises comes at once?


5. Why do you think the people were so quick to blame David, and turn on him
when this happened?


6. Grief can make it difficult to make wise decisions. How do you think David
was able to lead his army during his own grief?


7. How do tragedies like this one reveal our faith?



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