How will they remember me? | Hebrews 11:9-20 & Genesis 27:27-29

1. How do you think Isaac’s faith in God was impacted by Abraham laying him on
the altar to sacrifice him as a young boy? How might this story represent the
coming Messiah?


2. As Isaac passes down a blessing to his child (Genesis 27: 28) who is this
blessing dependent on? Why is this important?



3. This morning we said, ‘Our identity should be wrapped up in what God has
done, not what we have done.’ How does this differ from the world we live in?
Why is this such a difficult concept for us to live by?



4. Is it a struggle for you to wait on the Lord and trust in His provision? Why?
What could we do to strengthen our ability to wait on Him more? What are the
dangers of ‘taking matters into our own hands’ instead of trusting the Lord?



5. Isaac’s life is mauled with mistakes, lies, favoritism, and sin. Why do you think
he is listed in Hebrews 11 as faithful? What should this teach us about what
God can do in/through us?


6. What does this statement from the message mean to you, “God is faithful
even when we are not?” How do you see this in the life of Isaac, Abraham, and
Jacob? How have you seen this in your own life?


7. How does Genesis 27: 29 carry on the promise God made to Abraham about
becoming a great nation? What do you think God expects us to pass down?



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