Some and Others | Hebrews 11:33-40

1. Why do you think people often equate faith with victories such as described in verse 33-35?


2. These examples support the idea that God can do anything. Read Luke 4:25-27. What do you think Jesus was trying to teach in these verses?


3. Why is it difficult for us to accept that our faith in God may not change every bad thing that happens in life such as detailed in verses 36-37?

4. What do you think the writer means in verse 38, “of whom the world was not worthy”?


5. What are your thoughts about this statement, “the true test of faith is not when God delivers you from the furnace, but when God purposefully leave you in it”?


6. What do you think it means in verse 39, “they did not receive what was promised’?


7. What could the writer mean by “God provided something better” in verse 40?



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