The Call and the Cost | Colossians 1:24-29

1. What causes Paul to rejoice in his sufferings? How can we set our minds on the hope we have in the midst of suffering?


2 Suffering is a necessary part of fulfilling our role in spreading the Gospel of Jesus. Do you agree? If so, what does that say about each of us personally?


3. “Instead of asking ‘how much will Christ give me’ we are called to ask ‘how much will He let me put in?” Is it a struggle for you to give more than you take in your faith?


4. What is the mystery that God has revealed to us in verse 26?


5. This morning we asked, “If the Gospel is for everyone, what does that mean for me?” What is your answer to that question?


6. In verse 29 Paul says he has a strength that works powerfully within him. Where does that strength come from? How do we access it during times of struggling?


7. How do we warn, and teach, “everyone” like verse 28 says? Are we overcomplicating the call Jesus placed on us to share the Gospel with the world?



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